Q&A with Noam Chomsky

February 23, 2017

POL 150C2: What Is Politics?

Q&A session with Professor Noam Chomsky on the topic of "Resistance and Social Movements"

University of Arizona, Tucson.

Gaby Hurtado-Ramos
Hands On Humanity Camp: Liberating Action

One of Arizona Humanities many goals as a community partner, is to provide the youth of Arizona opportunities to hear other voices in the community along with helping them to discover and grow theirs.  Our Liberating Action Hands-on-Humanities camp is seeking to introduce youth in Southern Arizona to voices in communities throughout the nation. These community activists will work alongside the participants to examine what communities are struggling with and how to become engaged and take action to break free from the cycles that have often plagued our communities alike. 

Sophia Haro
Now Speaker Delves into Violence Against Women

Dr. Michelle Tellez from Northern Arizona University is the guest speaker for the monthly meeting. Tellez will discuss her perspective on the recent waves of international violence toward women and the issues of violence along our borders here at home....

Sophia Haro
Black Life Matters Conference

Scholars, writers, artists, activists, policymakers, and community members will come together in Tucson, Arizona, in January 2015 to discuss WHY Black life matters and WHAT can be done about sustained racialized state violence. The conference will include lectures, hands-on working sessions, arts and performances, and social justice actions, as well as significant time for conversation

Sophia Haro